Few will ever make it to the top levels of Eventing, but those who do it with the incredible support of many people just like you.
What is a Syndicate? A syndicate is a group of people that come together in horse ownership with the goal of reaching the highest level of sport representing our countries at international competition. The members share a common goal or interest with the rider. Hugely popular in the racehorse world, we're aspiring to make sydicatiton and partnerships more accessible to everyone in a desire to continue to grow our sport!

2016, 16.2HH Trakehner Gelding -Â
Isla Mujeres x Tatendrang
At 7 years of age, Ingress has shown he is one of the top young horses in the USA, finishing 4th in the CCI3* Young Horse Championships and the Top Placed American Bred. He stepped up to the Intermidiate level with ease this summer, finishing the season out with 2 top 5 finishes. Ingress placed strongly at the Young Event Horse 5-Year-Old Championships last fall as well and displays every attribute of being a top horse for years to come. Every professional I have ridden with has praised his technique and rideablitiy, and we believe him to be a top canidate both for the 4 and 5* levels, hopefully helping me to gain valuable experiences at these levels, both nationally and internationally. He will aim in 2024 for the CCI3*L at Bromont and Maryland.
2024 - Goals
Carolina International CCI***S
Stable View CCI***S
Bromont CCI***L
Maryland CCI***L
1.30 Jumpers
Win at Jumping Branch HT (P)
6th place finish at VAHT CCI**L
4th place finish at Stable View CCI***S and top placed US bred
5th place finish at VAHT (I)
• Top 10 Stable View Summer H.T. (P)• 6th Virginia International H.T. (P)• Top 10 Pine Top Winter H.T. (M)
Horse ownership syndication is where a group of supporters come together to purchase shares in a promising horse for a professional Event rider. The syndicate is comprised of shares purchased by each member of the group. These shares are an investment in both the initial purchase of the horse and the annual expenses incurred to maintain and compete the horse. Annual expenses are pre-determined and the cost is shared between each share owner of the syndicate.
This incredible syndication opportunity has 8 remaining shares available at $6,000 buy in with a $50 monthly cost.

A great way to see a talented horse developed and experience the sport up close and personal!
Our partnerships are as unique as the horses that we offer them with! Our goal is to constantly produce top quality horses up the levels, and while not every horse is a 5* prospect, some incredibly talented and brave sorts need to gain some experience before reaching their peak value. With this in mind, we look to partner with owners to develop these hores along with the intent to sell them down the line once they've reached their "peak", allowing a great investment opportunity as well as a way to develop a string of top quality horses and a pipeline of upper level sorts here in the US!
Reach out to Shannon for available Partnerships!